Formerly known as

“Thunder Only Happens When It’s Raining.”

This song verse has been going through my head for the last few days. The Lord told me what it means. Here is what I felt He was sharing with me.

The rain of His Spirit is coming in a mighty wave and as it does and we see this outpouring everywhere that in the midst of that our minds and hearts will be opened. They will be opened to more clearly see Jesus like never before that will eclipse everything in how we do church. A new paradigm is coming. Our hearts opened with revelation of who He is will be the thunder that comes in the midst of the rain of His Spirit. As we discern Him by the great revelations of His Spirit we will reflect greater works of compassion, sacrifice and attentiveness not only in relationships, but in visiting the sick, the elderly, those in jail, the orphans and anyone in need. When people look at the church they will see a people in love with Jesus like no other time in history. They will see a church of great compassion and love. The business of church will be eclipsed by the Heart of the Father toward all people. It will be a heart of action.

In the early 80’s I had a vision of heaven where billions of people covered endless hills shining like wheat. They were all facing this brilliant light which was Jesus and they all in unison where shouting “JESUS. JESUS. JESUS…!!!!!!!”. It was such a roar of His name that it turned into booming cracks of thunder.

His name is like thunder. His heart of love in us and through us will be like thunder across the land.

Jesus. The name above all names!

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