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In I Corinthians 13 which describes the Lord’s love modeling it for us, it says that we know in part and prophesy in part. Since this is true, it implies that we are limited in our ability to assume information about others. We need to ask questions and be curious. We need to listen and explore as we interact with others. Our natural knowledge, however skilled and scholarly, and our supernatural ability to know, however anointed, is only partial. We are not omniscience like the Lord. The more we understand this, the less misunderstanding, conflicts and alienation we will encounter. Egos and pride will diminish while compassion and understanding increase. No amount of experience in relationships can ever replace the facts about each individual person’s experience. I never tell a grieving person that I know exactly how they feel even if I have a word of knowledge of what they are going through. I need to explore – always. Love is not about being patronizing or presumptive.

The more open, honest and disclosing we are with the Lord, the more we experience what a good listener is and what it’s like to be heard without being judged. We learn to be patient and season our words and interactions with graciousness, just like the Lord.

The Lord has shown me for years that He was curious, in a way, even though He knew all things. He has always asked me how I was doing. He has always invited me to share what was going on. As time has gone on, I have bore my soul more and more without holding back. His apparent curiosity was so very respectful and without agenda. The agenda was me and my world. We are His agenda in conversation. He is devoted to us and loves us not out of obligation or pity, but because He has chosen to love us and befriend us. Our Friend listens and asks questions. Questions lead to more disclosure and disclosure leads to Him disclosing His loving perspective and wisdom. This leads to peace and change also known as repentance. And this leads to proclaiming Him as Lord of Lords and King of Kings and all kinds of worship and more joy.

In this season over the last few years of unprecedented intimacy with the Lord, discovering how loving and non-judgmental He is, He has been drawing us into reflecting His character. He has been preparing us for the Great Commission to make others disciples of His loving nature and to be like Him. In a previous word I shared that walking in the light with Him and disclosure was ultimately leading us into becoming equipped. In place of our openness with Him, His kind presence becomes our spiritual armor. Part of the armor, The Sword of Truth, in our hands is love. It’s His love demonstrated to us that we might demonstrate it to others to help set the captive free from the lies of not being greatly loved by Him. His listening to us turns us into Ambassadors for Christ. His receiving us in our full disclosure to Him becomes the training ground to be His emissaries to the world.


We love because He first loved us. I John 4:19