Formerly known as

Age of Enlightenment

Age of Enlightenment

Like when you turn the light dimmer up, so will there be an increase of light across the world for all people and it’s getting very close. He showed me there would be a suspension of darkness to a degree and I could see a great light above the Earth shining more...
Age of Enlightenment

Submerged In The Deep End

In a backyard swimming pool there is a shallow end and a deep end. We have been in the shallow end slowly moving toward the deep end. He has been drawing us close. As we experience the Holy Spirit and enter into His presence we are now getting into the deeper end. We...
Age of Enlightenment

Sword of Truth Movement

Holy Spirit showed me in a vision Jesus who was completely white, holding a flaming sword and riding on a white horse. The sword was the sword of truth and the Lord plunged it into my heart and showed me that He will be doing this to everyone who proclaims Him as Lord...
Age of Enlightenment

From Dry Bones To Faith In Believing

During my quiet time I was pondering the highly anticipated great outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit where we were going to see many miracles, healings and works of power. I recalled having ministered with Randy Clark in Brazil and how incredibly easy it was to...
Age of Enlightenment

Wave of Joy and Faith

A great blessing is coming for us all which consists of joy and renewed faith. The greatest revival in history will reach a crescendo. Since Acts His Spirit has been working on us. Since then we have been in a great wave of His Presence throughout history. Like in a...