Formerly known as

I am requesting prayer support for a book that I am writing. It’s about the empathy of God where He assigns some of us to experience it greatly as in 24/7 like myself. Psalm 139 describes His omniscience, past, present and future. Since we are part of Him, He shares this revelatory gifting through Words of Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits, Word of Wisdom and Prophecy. Since the late 70s I have been experiencing other’s emotions and thoughts as if I were in their shoes and the Lord showed me it was Him giving me a piece of how He knows us and experiences with us like in Psalm 139 and more. Some of us have this happen to us once in awhile and some of us are immersed in it or almost overwhelmed. This book is for both including layman to leader, young and mature.

I am writing this book to share what I have observed and learned so that it serves as a guide and equipping on how to work with this extraordinary gifting and calling. I want to share on how to be proactive with the Lord when He assigns information to you. It’s a ministry of healing, intercession, counsel, guidance and prophetic utterance and foretelling. Some people have tried calling it being a feeler, a sensor or intuitive, but it’s far more than just that because it’s more than innate or inherent, but spiritually inspired.

I have been wanting to write this book for a few decades and the last couple of years I have been gathering notes, creating outlines and visiting my memoirs. The Lord just opened a door for me to use an office for free at a church where the atmosphere is clean and anointed. So now is the time with this very clear door. I go there now on Thursdays for about 4 hours and want to expand this without impacting my work from home with website development. Writing is hard work I realized. It’s a challenging journey and I am so very thrilled about finally building this seeing the office provision as a mandate from the Lord to commence in earnest. I am working on a title and have 20+ ideas, but expect something to coalesce out of the ethers.

My prayer request: I need clear, open heavens. I need protection, inspiration, guidance and wisdom. One of the challenges I have been facing with is getting out of the way and flowing with what the book wants from me. It wants to write itself. I don’t want to be afraid of broaching various subjects and I need to be bold and not people pleasing. This takes courage. I’m pushing against self doubt.

Doug Addison just published this word: “Find others to agree with in prayer.” This confirms what I have been recently feeling about recruiting you into partnering with me in prayer over this.

If you know me well where we have walked together at church and want to be a regular intercessor for me in this endeavor, let me know definitively and I will put you on a list where I will communicate with you from time to time.

If you believe the Lord has activated you to experience other’s thoughts and emotions on a regular basis, let me know. I want to gather more information about what people are experiencing and what they have learned.

Thanks so very much for partnering with me in prayer over this. I really believe this will minister to a lot of people and activate revelatory gifting in others. There appears to be scarce material on this and I have heard various prophetic people allude to this experience. I hope to add more from my story, personal observations and what other folks have witnessed.
