I saw in a vision the Earth and it was covered with a scab which in time fell off. When a scab falls off a wound the area is tender and sensitive. Over time it completely heals over with new skin. Over time the Earth will heal from that last couple of years of turmoil. If a leg is broken, once the cast is removed, it has to go through rehab to get the strength back so that it can be used to run again, just like new. In the same way the Lord showed me it will take time to get up to speed. He showed me a series of images. The tide coming in relentlessly. (Shortly thereafter I saw an actual online image of the tide being down 12 feet exposing a bay’s bottom, rocks, seaweed, pier foundations, etc., for as far as the eye could see. Next to this image was how it looked when the tide was up completely filling the bay to just underneath the pier’s edge.) He then showed me a locomotive that started out slowly, building momentum until it was going full speed. I then saw the Earth covered with huge pistons like an engine that were starting to fire up and down, getting faster and faster and then the engine was gunned with a loud roar, pistons rapidly firing. Vroom!! Vroooom!!! Vrooooooom!!!!!!!
He showed me this next great move of His spirit will appear as outbreaks here and there across the world and would increase more and more picking up speed spreading across the world like popcorn. Like Renewal and Vineyard movements that I experienced these picked up momentum faster and faster and faster until the whole world was touched. Just so, we are entering into those times.
He reminded me about my deck garden where I have planted seeds for poppies and cosmos. They emerge by just a sparse few popping out of the soil here and there over several days. All of a sudden over a few days all the tiny seedlings emerge in a flush of green. The colorful glories of Spring are certain, just like the outpouring of His Spirit is certain. He has been planting seeds in our hearts, changing how we see Him, how He sees us and the world. We are emerging getting ready to show forth His kingdom on Earth as it is in heaven. The signs are the breakouts, a little here and a little there until everywhere!